tiistai 6. lokakuuta 2009

MIPCOM #WTF: A reality tv show on atheists choosing their religions

Global Agency's CHOOSING MY RELIGION will get the attention, but who would have the guts to actually greenlight this? I would be surprised if anyone in my territory (Finland) picked this up, but hopefully I'm wrong. I'd love to see many local versions of the show.

"A new reality television show has rabbis, priests, imams and monks trying to make non-believers pious. The Vatican is reportedly sending a priest, a Buddhist monk has been recruited and atheists who convert will win a trip to a holy site. The Muslim religious authority in Turkey is not amused." - Article in Spiegel.

1 kommentti:

  1. Sounds reeeally fresh and interesting! If we do this in Finland, I might know few suitable atheists :)


